Friday, January 28, 2011

Emotions- How they creep up on us

Shopping for a birthday card for my son tonight almost brought me to a complete stand still. One minute I am fine and the next I can hardly see from the tears welling up in my eyes. Strange how one word on a card can invoke so much emotion to almost draw one up into a fetal position. The love a mother has for her children is such a strange thing. I try so hard to let go at the same time I want to hang on with all my might for fear of letting go! Crazy emotions! I surrender them to the leading of the Lord and pray for wisdom and strength to be a wise mother willing to let go and trust the perfect God to care for my children much better than I could even imagine. Praying that my card will now reach my son in a far off land and it would give him strength to know he is greatly loved and respected for following his dream.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jesus amoung us

Today in a bible study I watched the movie of The Gospel of John. I was so overtaken by Chapter 1 verse 10 ""He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him." How many times do I go through my day not recognizing him at all? How many times do I miss the opportunity to walk through life with Christ? It is so easy to look at the gospel and wonder why they missed the chance to be with Christ. I don't want to be guilty of missing any opportunity to walk with Christ. This is going to be an excellent study. I can't wait for the rest of it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

the babies married off their baby

Yep it is true. I am the baby of eight children and Stan is the baby of five. On Friday we married off our baby girl Amanda. 

We are both amazed at the gamut of emotions we have experienced in the process. Going through the final process that we have prepared for over the past few months never prepares you for the emotions you  go through as you entrust your daughter to someone else to provide for her.

We are extremely grateful for Gary Lee. He is an amazing young man and we know that he is going to be a faithful husband for Amanda. I use the word faithful to describe Gary because we have full confidence that he will be not only her provider but her best friend.

Overwhelmed by the love we have shared from many family members and friends. Thank you is just not adequate enough but will have to do for now.

Once again God has proven Himself to us as the ultimate provider for us all. Not that he needed to prove Himself but he is the perfect example of the word faithful and for that we are extremely grateful!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I couldn't have said this better myself. Copied from Wired: For A Life Of Worship by Louie Giglio- I recommend this book to all.

How do you know where and what you are worshiping? It's easy.
You simply follow the trail of your time, your affection, your energy,
your money and your loyalty. At the end of the trail you'll find a throne;
and whatever, or whomever, is on that throne is what's of highest value
to you. On that throne is what you worship. Sure, not many of us walk
around saying, "I worship my stuff, I worship my X box, I worship this pleasure,
I worship her, I worship my body, I worship me!" But the trail never lies.
We may say we value this thing or that thing more than any other,
but the volume of our actions speaks louder than our words.
In the end our worship is more about what we do than what we say.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

right song wrong time

Here we go again! I was complaining and trying to figure out again how to function with vertigo. Trapped in my body with so many things needing to be done I came to a complete halt again in the middle of the night Wednesday. I spent all of Thursday in bed and most of Friday as well. Asking God WHY is my first reaction of course. What is going on? Don't you know I am soooo busy right now?

Friday when I was able to get the needed adjustment form my chiropractor, noticing my complete helplessness and frustration with this all too often reoccurring pest he felt it necessary to share something he recently read. UGH! it was like he hit me right between the eyes. He spoke about the article and how it said that after the Israelites crossed the sea that God opened for them they were full of praise and thanksgiving to the God that delivered them. The article went on to say that it was the right song just the wrong timing. They should have been singing at the beginning of the sea trusting God when their problem was insurmountable.

How many times after the problem is gone do I praise God for the deliverance instead of praising him at the beginning trusting that NO MATTER WHAT He is always there. This was a great reminder...even when it is almost impossible to be thankful I will trust and praise the God that has me in the palm of his hand.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Aging is inevitable but how I age is controllable. Thanks to some wonderful friends I have started walking again. We meet at 6am every morning  I said I wish I had someone to walk with in the morning because I am too lazy to get out of bed. BIG MISTAKE... they both said "I will go with you." I was trapped. (did I mention that they are morning people and I am not UGH! ) so last week we started walking every morning. sometimes I drive to our meeting place and sometimes I walk (which also means I have to walk home too.. not the fun part) Except for yesterday, when my alarm didn't go off and I abandoned my friends in the cold soggy morning, I am enjoying getting up early and getting some exercise. BUT COULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL MY BODY IT IS OK!! This is going to make a difference for the long term I have to keep remembering that. The experts all say Walk, Walk, Walk

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Don't need a day on a calendar to know it is Mother's Day

I wish there was a recorder that you just had with you when you were processing thoughts but can't write them down. I know there is amazing technology out there but I mean something that you don't have actively activate to record thought. Usually my best thinking is when I am driving or when I am either trying to fall asleep or awakened in the night and too lazy to get up and write.

Thinking on my way home from spending  a wonderful evening with my daughter- "How did I get to be so lucky?" "What does it really mean to be a mother?" 

Of course my first inclination was to go to my emotional side of my mind which quickly went like an old movie real playing in my head the millions of memories I have over the past 27 years of motherhood. Wow! Crippled by the magnitude of my blessings I am overwhelmed that God chose me to play the part of a mother to three outstandingly unique and beautiful people.

Which then triggered the spiritual side of my mind wondering if I was faithful with the gift that God gave me. Did I do everything possible to point my children to fall in love with the awesome God that I serve? Do they truly understand how divine He really is?

I realize this was a short drive home but trust me my mind was racing much faster than I was driving :) Which is a good thing because I would be a danger to all on the road if it was reversed.

I am a woman that has more blessings then even this amazing form of communication that exists in blogging could contain.  I love husband and  my children  more than life and I am especially grateful to be included in their lives.  I don't need a date set aside on a calendar to be honored as a mother. I know the gift I have every day and I am in awe of God's provision as I watch life unfold for my children as well. I know my children love me. Not to mention the enormous blessing of being a Ya Ya!

To God Be The Glory!
So blessed to have such great mom's in my life!